Monday 23 November 2015

Do you really deserve to be an entrepreneur? Do you have an A* service mindset?

Just ask yourself once! Are you devoted to provide your customers the best possible service? Alright! Let’s find out how dedicated you are towards your customers and how can you improve the service management.

The attitude you have and the culture you follow in your company defines your relationship with the customers. Fill your mind with constructive thinking. Approach your world of service with commitment and compassion.

 Following are some vital points that will help you build that A* service mindset in your company and develop character traits to become a great leader/entrepreneur.

  • You need to have that element of Generosity in you. Try and give customers the best of your product. Don’t hesitate to go an extra mile and try to do the job before the general timeline if urgent. Work in the after-hours to help them. Be a part of their happiness, wish them on special occasions and congratulate them on their purchases. Would you love if one of your customers walks up to you and says “I got more than I expected”. Isn’t it the best feedback and a sheer delight to your ears? It is indeed!   

One of the best examples is “The Baker’s Dozen”. Contrary to its name it always delivers 13 pieces. Isn’t it something unexpected?

  • Try to build an atmosphere where your employees are regularly educated about the importance of customers in your business. Organize regular sessions, workshops, presentations and group discussions. Being a leader it is your duty to ensure proper employee engagement. Keep organizing the activities that create bonding between them to ensure that employees are committed to their organisation's goals and values, motivated to contribute to organisational success, and are able at the same time to enhance their own sense of well-being. Accept the feedback your customers give and share it with your team. Ask for advices and suggestions. That will not just boost their morale but will also help them handle customers effectively. And the efficiently they’ll deal with difficult situations; more trust your customers gain on you.

“A good company is known by the people it keeps”. . . .

  • Take ownership of the services you provide and the problems that your customers face due to your product. Never play the blame game. Accept if it’s your fault and rather than subduing the fact remain open to feedback. Sympathize accordingly. The customer is the best teacher. Ask them “What can I do to make your day better?”, “How shall I improve?” You’re not expected to know all the answers but at least you can try to get it done by the relevant people. 

I believe we’ll would have gone through it. You’re angry, you’ve been on hold for long, someone answers and then you get to hear that same old story. “We apologize but that’s not our fault, it was the other team who did it! Why the hell would you be worried which department did it. You only know the company as whole”

  • You need to see the world through the customer’s eyes. The customers will not understand your internal procedure and challenges. They have their own needs, preferences and priorities. Being the service provider it’s your responsibility to understand their point of view. Although it is really hard for you to imagine life from someone else’s point of view but this what entrepreneurs with an A* service mindset do.

“British Airways took an amazing initiative of installing video booths at the airports. The passengers could record their compliments and complaints. Now the management could see their service from the customer’s point of view”.

There are many more things which a leader needs to understand and implement for creating an A* service mindset for his team and himself.

The customer king specializes in this domain and helps you develop that mindset for you and your employees. We know how hard it can be for startups especially, to focus on these important things.  
We are just a click away! Contact us before someone else takes your customers away!

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